• Architecture
  • Digital
  • Depiction

ADD Intro

ADD Studios is an art direction, multi-disciplinary visualization Studios with a focus on Visual branches of architecture.

Visualization of designs and concepts is an important and thought-provoking issue in professional architecture offices because turning thinking into a visual medium is a specialized theoretical and practical process and need to teamwork. we believe that the presentation and introduction of each design reflect the personality and character of that design.


Ali Gorjian Jolfaee


Professional Experience

• Director and Founder of ADD Studios (2019)
• Executive Director and Documentation of Isfahan International Cultural Week Exhibition – National University of Architecture, Paris (2017)
• Design and execution of environmental graphics of Julfa Armenian anthropologic Museum in Vank Church (2020)
• Architectural design and environmental graphics of Isfahan Museum of Photographers (2021)
• Member of the Association of Photographers, a reference and specialized website for contemporary architecture in Iran (2013-Now)
• Cooperation with government and cultural centers:
– ICOM Iran
– Golestan palace Museum, Tehran
– Vanak Church Complex, Isfahan
– Zoroastrian fire temple of Yazd
– Ali Gholi Agha Bath Museum of Isfahan
– Isfahan Deputy of Architecture and Urban Planning
– Isfahan Municipality Cultural Deputy
– Isfahan Takht-e-Foolad’s historical and cultural complex
– Isfahan General Directorate of Culture and Guidance
– Man-e-Memar Institute of Architects
– Institute of Industry, Mining, and Trade
– Danesh Pajoohan Institute
– Natanz Azad University
• Holding the International Group Exhibition of Isfahan Cultural Week – Paris National University of Architecture (2017)
• Holding a group exhibition of poster design (supporting orphaned children) at the House of Artists in Tehran in (2018)
• Publication of works on various websites, magazines, and specialized books on domestic and international architecture
• Holding several solo and group photography and video art exhibitions
• Consultant of Architecture Competitions
• Instructor and organizer of architectural photography courses and architectural design and presentation software


Awards & Publication

• Achieving a very high design score from the judges’ point of view – A Design awards 2019 international competition
• 1st Place of the top ICOM Iran Museum (Julfa Armenian Ethnographic Museum / Vank Church) 2021
• 1st Place in the competition from Baghshahr to Baghshahr 2021
• Finalist for Villa Award of Iran 2021
• 1st Place in the design and implementation of the Iranian Garden Expo in China [Cooperation with the Office of Logical Process – 2016]
• Finalist for International 2A Asian Public Sector Award – [2019]
• Finalist of International Award 2A Asian Housing – [2018]
• Finalist of Memar Award – Reconstruction Category [1398]
• 1st Place in the Memar Award for multi-unit residential sections [Cooperation with Logical Process Office – 2021]
• 1st Place in the Memar Award for single-unit residential sections [Cooperation with Logical Process Office – 2021]
• Winner of Master prize 2021 [Collaboration with Logical Process Office]
• 1st Place in Iran Architecture and Interior Architecture Award 2021 [Collaboration with EZ Studio]
• 2nd Place in the Festival of Young Architects 2021 residential areas [Collaboration with EZ Studio]
• Finalist for Memar Award for Multi-Unit Housing [Cooperation with Logical Process Office] 2021
• 1st Place in the knowledge gate design competition [Cooperation with Logical Process Office-2022]
• 1st Place in the Memar Award 2020 [Collaboration with the Office of Architects Event-2020]
• 1st Place in Iran Architecture and Interior Architecture Award 2020 [Cooperation with the Office of Architects Event-2020]
• Winning the award for the best concept as well as third place in the Nexa 34 design competition [Cooperation with Logical Process Office- 2020]
• 1st Place in MAPNA Group Research Building Design Competition [Collaboration with Kama Group – 2018]
• 1st Place in the Annual Iranian Architecture and Interior Design Award [Collaboration with Kama Group – 2018]
• 1st Place in Spinner building design competition [Cooperation with Logical Process Office – 2019]
• Finalist in Memar Award – Single Unit Residential Section [Collaboration with EZ Studio-2019]
• Finalist in Memar Award – Public Sector [Collaboration with Kama Architecture Group – 2019]
• 2nd place in the International Award 2 A of the European Housing Sector [Cooperation with the Office of Rational Process – [2017]
• The first common rank of Isfahan Bar Building [Cooperation with the city and home consulting engineers – 2020]
• 1st place in the Hamedan Autobank design competition [2017]
• 1st place in the second annual award for architecture with bricks [2018]
• Appreciation of the work in the first symposium in support of homeless children in the poster design section [2018]
• Appreciation of the work in the first short film festival 2019 Jackal
• Finalist in AWR Competition – Design of Barcelona Cultural Pavilion [2016]

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